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Registration Listing

2024 Richmond Little League

Disclaimer: Richmond Little League has the right to move any child to a different division for the safety of the child, or due to roster sizes.

Division breakdown:

Tee Ball (Coed): 4 to 5 year olds playing for the first time. Basic exposure to the fundamentals of the game. Hitting is off a tee. All players bat every inning. Three inning games. Smaller team sizes for more contact time with coaches.

Coach Pitch (Coed): 5 year olds that have played a year or two, and 6 year olds who are continuing to work on the proper techniques of the game. The coach will pitch up to 7 pitches each at bat until the ball is hit. If not hit, the ball will be placed on a tee for the batter to hit. Everyone bats once each inning.

Machine Pitch Baseball/Softball: 6 thru 8 yr olds will start hitting pitches from a machine. (To ensure safety, 6 year olds MUST attend the tryout/skills showcase to qualify for this division) Each batter will get up to 7 pitches, or 3 swings (strikes), or a fair hit ball each at bat. Each team gets 3 outs per inning.

Minors Baseball: Advanced 8 yr olds thru 10 yr olds. There will be live pitching all game. Balls/strikes, pitch counts, and base stealing start to be part of the game.

Minors Softball: Advanced 8 yr olds thru 10 yr olds. There will be live pitching all game.

Majors Baseball: Advanced 10 yr olds thru 12 yr olds. Dropped third-strike rule begins.

Majors Softball: Advanced 10 yr olds thru 12 yr olds. Live pitching all game.

Intermediates Baseball: 13 yr olds. Pitchers mound moves to 50 ft and bases are moved to 70 ft apart. Leading off and true base stealing starts. LL season starts later because of school seasons.

Junior Baseball: 14 yr olds. Pitchers mound moves to 60 ft and bases are moved to 90 ft apart. LL season starts later because of school seasons.

Junior Softball: 13 and 14 yr olds. LL season starts later because of school seasons.

Richmond Little League Mission Statement:

It is our mission to provide a quality service to our youth. Our goal is to adhere to the Official Regulations and Playing Rules of Little League that will ensure safety, teamwork, sportsmanship, and fair play.

Richmond Little League Policy Statement:

It shall be the policy of Richmond Little League officers, managers, coaches and umpires to provide all league participants with a safe and rewarding Little League experience. It shall be the procedure if the Safety Director to provide the most current information and follow-up to ensure the safety of each participant, be it player, coach, manager or spectator. The leagues Safety Code must be followed at all league sponsored practices and games. All league personnel shall conduct themselves in a manner consistent with the high standards of sportsmanship of Little League.

Senior- Little League Baseball